I just
finished tracing my first vintage pattern. I'm pretty sure it's a
pattern my grandmother gave me many years ago (Butterick #9262) It's early 1960s (the
kind that still looks 50s). To maintain the original pattern, I have
traced it on to brown paper as directed by one of the books I got for Christmas though I can't recall which one exactly (probably Gertie's New Book For Better Sewing). I will need to size it up about 2"
(thankfully, me and my grandmother are not too far off in sizing because
I think 2" is the max recommended scaling if I remember what I've read so far).
While looking for a pencil sharpener, I found 7 yards of very wide muslin in the top of
my closet that I purchased a few years back to make a photography
backdrop with and never did. This will be my stash of mock-up material
as I learn to re-size and alter patterns!
Now to give my back a rest from bending over my table and read more about what to do next. Of course I've already gotten distracted because this started with me tracing out the pattern for the Pencil Skirt from Gertie's book. I want to make the skirt tomorrow so it can me "something simple" challenge for The Historical Sew Fortnightly started by The Dreamstress. I think I'm going to sew my way through Gertie's book (kinda like Julie and Julia - which I'm currently watching), because everything is so cute and I would end up with an entire vintage wardrobe when I'm done
I also spent 3 hours today re-arranging my crafting/sewing area to hopefully make it less cramped and more usable. I have come to the conclusions that I have way too much stuff for just using my dining room for a sewing room but since I only have a 1 bedroom apartment, I'm afraid it's just going to have to continue to be enough. I mean, who needs a dining room anyway?