Saturday, October 3, 2009


Last night was the premier of Drew Barrymore's directorial debut with the movie Whip-It. It's about roller derby!!! I've already seen it twice (thank you sneak peaks!). It's a good coming of age, finding yurself story set in the world of roller derby. Everyone who's seen it loves it - especially derby girls!! I've actually skated against at least 3 (probbly more) girls who have skating parts in the movie. Jackie Daniels who actully skates for Grand Raggity (Grand Rappids, MI) is one of my favorites and we get to see and play against her next month. "Princess Slaya" is played by Racer McChaser from Detroit - get to see her later today when we go play Dayton (she's playing in the game after ours).
I can't wait to t scrapbook my tickets and stuff fom the movie!!!